British Classic Cars presented as pieces of Photographic Art
Personalised Option
If you own your own British Classic Car and you want a Digital Print to show off your pride and joy then you will want a Digital Download that contains your car and is created in a style of your choice. This can be achieved by you sending me a digital copy of a photo you have taken and I will then create a personalised Digital Print of YOUR car to your specifications. The size will depend on the size of the image that you send to me - the “seed” image.
How I make the Personalised Print
A Personalised Digital Print goes through the following steps :-
You look through the advice given on here on the best way to get a photo that is best suited to giving you a stylish print.
You look through the “Style Gallery” page to consider what you want in terms of the look of the final print.
You take ( or choose an existing) photo to use in the Print
You complete the “Personalised Contact Page”
I will send you my email details to send the photo to me
These seed photographs will have the car itself extracted.
The extraction will then be placed onto a new background and the technical details changed so they look as if they were taken together.
Next the combined image will be made into a High Dynamic Range image to enhance to shine/gloss on the car and to sharpen the colours.
Any borders and special effects, such as a painted effect, are added.
Proofs are sent to check that it is exactly as you, the owner, wanted.
The final product will be sent to you by email once payment has been made
Go To the Personalised Option contact Page now


Tips on Choosing or taking a Photograph for a Digital Print
A Personalised Digital Print goes through the following steps :-
The photograph in the images above is the ideal angle to give maximum flexibility for finding suitable background - either from the front right or the front left of the car and if possible level with the car.
Ideally the car should be standing on a flat hard surface, but as the one above shows grass is also acceptable
Anything behind the car in the photo can be cut out BUT anything in front of the car body cannot.
Windows are best closed
Strong reflections in the bodywork can be impossible to remove
The Bigger the car's file the bigger you will be able to print it off. - the more megapix, the more inches the final file can be printed off at